The little bridge over a brook where a plan is hatched.

365 Days to the Wedding

“Is it true that you’re getting married?” Quiet homebody Tokyo travel agency coworkers Takuya Oohara and Rika Honjouji are suddenly confronted by their boss with the possibility of being transferred to JTB’s new branch in Irkutsk, Siberia. Oohara wants to be able to look after his cat. Honjouji hates the cold. After finding out their boss will make employees that are married exempt from the transfer selection, they decide to convince their boss and coworkers that they have gotten married, despite hardly knowing each other. At least, that’s how it started.

There is a real-life JTB in Kinshicho Termina. Kinshicho Station is very much the “home base” of the series, but the Aso caldera and the area around Tokyo Skytree are also important and prominently featured. An early sequence closely models many famous locations in Odaiba such as the Liberty Statue, Diver City Tokyo, Dream Bridge, and the big Daikanransha ferris wheel. Some, but not all, of the locations mentioned or explicitly rendered in the manga feature in the 10-episode drama released on Amazon Prime Video. There are some changes: “JTC” became “HTB” and Irkutsk was replaced with Anchorage, Alaska.

The Aso Caldera has a dry eruption on a cold, cloudless day.



