Dream Bridge Odaiba

Monogatari Series

The Monogatari series is a Japanese light novel series written by Nisio Isin (stylized NISIOISIN) and illustrated by Vofan. The plot centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student who survives a vampire attack and finds himself helping girls involved with a variety of apparitions, ghosts, beasts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena, which often serve as proxies for their emotional and mental issues. Since November 2006, Kodansha published 29 volumes. All of the series’ story arcs share the common title suffix -monogatari (物語) proceeded by some type of descriptor.

The release order of the light novels and subsequent Studio Shaft anime adaption departs wildly from its supposed chronological order, however the release order is recommended for first-time viewers. Often times when the Monogatari anime series is discussed from an animation composition perspective, people identify its iconic hyper-real color palette for backgrounds. Others note the reoccurring skeleton-snapping “Shaft head tilt”. Another unusual element is 4th-wall breaking silent-picture style slide stills, labeled with certain animation cuts, spliced in with the animation, which are used to emphasize a certain kanji or linguistic pun. There’s also the odd juxtaposition of a significant number of sakuga cuts breaking up scenes of mostly two characters delivering dialogue. All of these choices further embellish Nisio Isin’s writing style, chock-full of Japanese wordplay and meta-humor, which some consider challenging to accurately translate.

Mister Donut has an interesting brand history. It was started in the 1950s in the United States. Duskin Co. Ltd. of Osaka bought Mister Donut franchise rights in 1983. A bit like KFC or 7-Eleven, the Japanese brand ended up with more prestige than the original American brand and was able to withstand the coming wave of Starbucks and Dunkins that its American counterpart was not.

Mister Donut of Rapid City, SD


Anime Real life locations of Monogatari Series in Tokyo Minato-ku




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